NSF Workshop:
Faculty Development Needs for Advanced Manufacturing in the USA
Located at the National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA on January 9th and 10th, 2014
Overview: This NSF workshop, sponsored by the Advanced Manufacturing Cluster
in the Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), is aimed
at enhancing the development of faculty scholarship to support our future US
advanced manufacturing enterprise. Recognizing the need to establish a strong,
innovative faculty cohort, Deans of Engineering, and Department Chairs / Heads of
those disciplines directly involved with manufacturing research and education are
encouraged to attend, and to bring junior manufacturing faculty. Workshop
presenters from NSF and other government agencies will inform and provide insights
regarding the attributes, activities, and opportunities to enable higher education
engagement in meeting the Advanced Manufacturing Initiative.
Speakers: Workshop speakers include program directors from federal agencies
such as NSF, OSTP, Department of Defense, Department of Commerce,
Department of Energy, and NASA
Workshop Location:
NSF Stafford Place 1
4201 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA
Participants: Deans of Engineering, Department Chairs/Heads, and faculty from all
disciplines involved in the manufacturing enterprise are invited to attend.
Registration: Academic participants will be required to pay a 125$ registration fee
Accessibility Support: While it is expected that participants from academia will
have the resources available through their institutions and other funding sources to
attend this workshop, it is imperative that accessibility to this workshop be provided
to a diverse cohort of faculty and administrators from universities across the U.S.
Therefore, travel funds (limited to a maximum of $500/individual) will be available for
those demonstrating appropriate need through an aplication process. Decisions to
provide support will be based upon disciplinary relevance, lack of availability of other
funding sources and geographic diversity. Priority will be given to junior faculty who
accompany a dean, department chair, or senior faculty member. Women,
underrepresented minorities (African American, Hispanic, and American
Indian/Alaskan Native), and disabled individuals are encouraged to apply.
Contact: Please email NSFmfgworkshop@gmail.com